Supported by the National Science Foundation Collaborator: University of Michigan Collaborator: Michigan State University Collaborator: Wayne State University Collaborator: Merit

Here are some instructions for users who would like to enroll in HORUS to use its resources and services for their research projects.


User Documentation

Enrolling in HORUS: How to enroll in your HORUS COU and obtain access to Open OnDemand and SLURM

Uploading an SSH key: How to upload your ssh key so you can use HORUS ssh/scp/sftp gateways

Accessing Open OnDemand: How to access Open OnDemand and upload your data into your HORUS work space

Using SLURM: How to create SLURM jobs, and select job queues based on your project needs

HORUS Hardware: Photos of the deployed HORUS systems

To learn about OSiRIS, please visit:

Architectural Documentation

If you are interested in how HORUS is structured or in creating a deployment similar to HORUS, please contact us.